Project Name: | 2008 -2009 G2G07/RM/9/2; Strengthening public private partnership in fruit and vegetables production (continuation of project PPA04/RM/9/3 |
Description: | Assist the Romanian government with the creation of conditions with will facilitate the development of the marketing structure for fruit and vegetables along the requirements and guidelines laid down by the EC regulations 2200/96 and 1432/2003 |
Assignment: | EVD , Dutch bilateral program PPA Food Industries and Research and Engineering (FIRE) In alliance with VRIAN Projects B.V., Product Board for Horticulture (PT) and Ministry of Agriculture (LNV). |
Project Name: | 2006 -2009 PPA05/RM/9/3 Technical assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Rural development for effective implementation of legislation regarding fertilizers |
Description: | Assist the Romanian government with the implementation of EU fertilizer regulations in Romania. Assessment, training and implementation of legislation, regulations, inspection and analytical capacity (laboratory) in Romania. |
Assignment: | EVD , Dutch bilateral program PPA VRIAN Projects B.V., in alliance with NMI, Wepal (WUR), PPI (Estonia), AID (LNV) and Ministry of Agriculture (LNV). |
Project Name: | 2005 – 2006. Strengthening of the Central Administrative Structure for Recognition of the Producer Organisations within the Fruit and Vegetable Sector and Consolidating the Producer Organisations, PPA04/RM/9/3 |
Description: | Assist the Romanian government with the creation of conditions with will facilitate the development of the marketing structure for fruit and vegetables along the requirements and guidelines laid down by the EC regulations 2200/96 and 1432/2003. |
Assignment: | EVD , Dutch bilateral program PPA Food Industries and Research and Engineering (FIRE) In alliance with VRIAN Projects B.V., Agro Quality Support, Product Board for Horticulture (PT) and Ministry of Agriculture (LNV). |
Project Name: | Formulation the TOR of Quality control of raw milk production in the dairy sector. PPA03/RM/9/2 (2003) |
Assignment: | EVD; VRIAN Projects b.v. |
Project Name: | Support to Enterprises in the Food Industry (Harmonization of Food Standards Programme) (1999-2001) |
Key-words: | Technical assistance, knowledge transfer, Establishment of Information Centre, Management development &; training, Support to Food Companies |
Description: | Assistance with regard to the implementation of the EU legislation in Romania in the area of “Foodstuffs”. A total of 94 directives need to be implemented to ensure safety and wholesomeness of food on the local market and to meet the EU requirements. The implementation takes place in a *new* environment based on the market-driven economy and as such required new methods in regulating the market and in managing industrial companies, new thinking when developing products, reorganisation of production, and new ways of marketing products. |
Assignment: | European Commission, Phare Programme (projectnr: RO-9704-02) |
Affiliation: | Agriment International b.v.; BDPA France, Finnconsult Finland, Larive Romania |