Who are we?
VRIAN projects B.V. is a project management company which is specialised in the agriculture and food sector, quality management, EU approximation of enforcement systems.
The source of experience and capacity of VRIAN derives from as well the public administration as the private sector. Experts working for VRIAN have assisted the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture in the restructuring of the policy related to the agricultural and food production sector on issues such as restructuring of the food safety, Good Agricultural Practice, organic food production, animal health programs, animal welfare etc. Furthermore in depth knowledge and experience is available concerning policy development and implementation of the European Union (agricultural) policy, especially in the framework of the EU enlargement programs.
VRIAN has been contracted to manage a number of pre-accession projects and project identification missions in current and future EU-member states such as Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey, Baltic States, Ukraine and other countries in Middle and Eastern Europe (MEE). Associated experts have working experience in the food safety-, feed safety-, veterinary and phytosanitary field in the Netherlands and in Brussels (EU policy and legislation development). During a number of recent projects in MEE countries and consultancy in the Netherlands modern understanding of food &feed safety control, phytosanitary-, veterinary surveillance infrastructure and processes has been acquired.
In private sector VRIAN projects is providing services to companies which intent to develop their business, export and co-operation with partners and organisations in MEE countries. Specific focus is on feasibility studies, innovation of business activities, preparation and management of investment subsidy schemes.
Our Staff
Allard Andela
Maaike Nolten
Mark Bos