Project Name: Feasibility study on the realization of a laboratory on food safety and related services on quality control in Bulgarian agri-food industry in Plovdiv, Bulgaria (2008 – 2009)
Description: A study on the potential of export of laboratory equipment and facilities such as air purification and quality control for the private laboratory in food production sector.
Assignment: EVD, PESP in assignment of Beunderonde, clean-air BV, RIKILT-WUR and Campro Scientific.


Project Name: National program for monitoring of Pesticide residues and mycotoxin contamination of food, products and raw materials of plant origin. PPA06/BG/9/1 (2007 – 2008)
Description: Assist the Bulgarian ministry of Agriculture and Mininstry of Health in establishing a national monitoring program for pesticide residues and mycotoxin contamination.
Assignment: EVD, VRIAN is project contractor and implementation nominated partners RIKILT and VWA.


Project Name: Bulgaria: 2006 – 2008. Strengthening herb, fruit and vegetable supply chains in Bulgaria, PSOM6/BG/3/90
Description: PSOM project to establish 2 supply chains in the fruit and vegetable sector. Task of VRIAN projects b.v. together with its partners DPA and PT is to train Bulgarian Authorities on fruit and vegetable organisation principles, administrative and institutional development regarding recognition and establishment of Producers organisations
Assignment: EVD, Agriment International, VRIAN is associated partner specific for the implementation of project result 4.


Project Name: Strengthening the Bulgarian fresh fruit and vegetable marketing quality standards control system, PPA04/BG/9/1 (2005 – 2006).
Description: Assist the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture and its regional directorates with the development and implementation of an internal management system for fresh fruit and vegetables in conformity with EU regulations 2200/96 and 1148/2001. Informing producers, exporters, importers, traders and consumers on the measures related to the EU regulations for quality control on fresh and processed fruit and vegetables.
Assignment: EVD, Dutch bilateral program PPA In alliance with Staring Consult B.V, State Food and Veterinary Service in Lithuania (SVFS), Agro Quality Support, Plantenziektenkundige Dienst (PD), Product Board for Horticulture (PT), Ministry of Agriculture (LNV), Maritsa Vegetable Crops Institute Plovdiv and Institute of Agriculture Kyustendil.